Wednesday 7 July 2010

Poster research and more

These are all relevant merchandise for this artist as it shows one of the product I am going to make the poster, the poster links heavily links to CD cover and the video as its a picture of her playing guitar which is shown in the music video but also the font style is again the same as the CD covers and again the pictures are very similar to CD cover pictures as its shows her face again but instead of the it just being her face its her whole body to show they are linked by the font and logo of the artist but the poster is different because its a tiny bit different than the CD covers which gives me some more ideas that the CD cover and the poster don't have to be same it can be a little different. I have also added a keyring and shirt to show that it all again links to the artist as the keyring as the 'coco' album cover and again the beach feel as it shows sand and sea on the back to link it to the bubbly music video, again the same font is used and logo to show it relates back to her personally. The shirt further highlights that the logo and font play and important part on any of the merchandise like the poster to make sure all of them link together and that my own products must have its font and maybe a logo to link the poster and CD cover together but also the video as well.

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