Sunday, 10 October 2010

clothing- casual (jeans!)

These are the jeans my main actress will be wearing in the music and these are skinny jeans as these are modern and very current its something most people are wearing and so this will relate back to my audience but also modern times.
The jeans are a very dark colour to link with my characters mood, but also the boring atmosphere that I am trying to portray as its all depressing and showing an average day, and this can relate to most people as people tend to get like this for work or school. Jeans are very casual but also boring in a way as they are plain jeans nothing fancy, and it shows my audience how my actress is feeling. Also jeans are easy to get hold of and go with most shirts and tops so this makes it great for my music video, as I can pick any shirt to go with it. The jeans are also similar to the ones I had sketched out as well which is great because its exactly what I wanted.

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